Prevention of falls and improvement of quality of life in elderly populations
Clinical Phase
4-arm case-control study (3 clinical study groups and 1
control group) randomized open
Background and rationale
Falls in the elderly are a major cause of morbidity, disability, institutionalization and death, and therefore account for a large share of health problems and public spending.
Since the frequency of this event increases with age, the extent of the problem is increasing, proportionally with the aging of the population.
Purpose of the study
The purpose of the present study is to evaluate whether the preventive and corrective action with new devices and rehabilitation procedures of gait deficits and postural syndromes reduces the number of falls among the elderly (subjects > 65 years).
Materials and Method
There are tests formulated for the assessment of balance and walking in the elderly. The ideal tests to assess the risk of falling are simple to perform, short in duration and repeatable to allow for follow-up.